
February, 2001:  Well, it was just getting too quiet.  So here goes, all over again!

Starting with the neighbors least bothered by the construction efforts:

On Monday, February 4, the old kitchen was dismantled:

(Did I mention it snowed 14 inches that day?)

The appliances were removed too.  It's hard to tell, but I think the kitchen was about 30 years old.  Some of the cabinets had the original (and only previous) owners' name on them:

Charlotte and Joe Rakoskie lived at 342 Green Village Road from 1954 - 1994.

When the temperature is 20 degrees outside, the old cabinets seemed like the perfect solution to warm up the inside!

As usual, the poker room becomes the primary storage room during construction.

Luckily I've kept the use of the sink for the two weeks that the rest of the kitchen has been dismantled.

This uncovered wall will soon look something like this (hopefully):

And the reconstruction has begun... the walls are now painted:

Continued with more updates that used to be on a different page:

(No great fanfare or fancy formatting, just the pictures...)

(I know... you're thinking... wow, look at that soda can dispenser!) 


(New back door needs to be painted.)

A close up of the counter and wall tile.

Slyde checking out the new counters.

The heater will have a new cover over it.  This is the area where the oven and microwave used to be, for those of you trying to place this corner in the old kitchen.


Wall tile behind the new oven.

Another shot of the cooking side of the kitchen.

And one last wide shot of that side of the kitchen.