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Early Updates:  (See "Inside Activities" for other updates.)

May 10, 1999... Construction began with the taping down of paper over the hardwood floors and general preparation.

May 11... The shingles came off the roof and the attic was prepared for removal of insulation.

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Aren't you curious to know what's going on under that tarp??? Well...

May 12... Either a bomb hit or Eric Bos and his demolition crew removed the attic roof!

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But not only that, they also managed to sister in the beams for the balcony.

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May 13... Second floor decking completed and a few walls:

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That's Dave White, the contractor, saying "Eric... is that ALL you guys got done today??? Come on, I promised him the whole job would be done by Memorial Day!!"  Luckily, Eric has a good sense of humor.

This last picture is also a great one to compare with the shot taken from the same location of the attic before all the construction started.

End of June 1999 picture of back of house, after the last of the windows arrived and were installed:

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The new siding will probably not get put up until the end of the project, so it's going to be a Tyvek summer.  But notice the most important addition, in the window to the far right... that's where I've been spending the months trying to keep cool while this is going on and NJ has been having day after day of 90+ degree heat.

End of May:

Further updates to front include Tyvek wrapping and roofing.  I actually had to help put on the Tyvek to the front and back... I charged myself $150 for labor.  

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I think the next couple were May 14 and May 15 pictures, but I can't be sure.  It's getting somewhat disorienting...

house12.jpg (21548 bytes)    (From the back.)

house14.jpg (21509 bytes)   (From the side.)

house15.jpg (19349 bytes)   (And from the front left.)